Pray for your spouse
1) Pray that he/she will love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength! Luke 10:27
2) Pray that your love would abound more and more for God and for each other, that you may be wise and discerning and blameless. Phil. 1:9-10
3) Husbands pray that you will love your wife as Christ loves the church and wives pray that you will support and submit to your husband as the head of the family.
4) Pray against the schemes of Satan and that you both will put on the armor of God daily to combat the enemy. Eph. 6:10-20
5) Thank you, Father, for the gift of my spouse! You are the giver of every good and perfect gift and I'm amazed at how You show your love through him/her. Please help me to cherish such an amazing gift! James 1:17
Pray for your children
1) Give my child a deep desire to seek You with their whole heart and not stray from your commands. Psalm 119:9-11
2) I pray that my children will delight themselves in You and stay rooted and grounded and built up in You. Col. 2:6-7 and Psalm 1
3) May my child live in humility before You and others and gain wisdom and live a life worthy of the gospel of Christ. Phil. 1:27; 2:1-5 and Proverbs 11:2
4) When they feel abandoned and rejected by others, may they know and trust that You will never leave or forsake them. Deut. 31:6 and Isaiah 49:15-16
5) May they not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of their minds and know your good and perfect will. Romans 12:2